Cross Platform App Development Services

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Frameworks

  • React Native: According to the 2021 Stack Overflow Survey, 16.48% of professional developers chose React Native as the framework theyโ€™ve used the most recently, ranking it fifth among non-web frameworks.
  • Flutter: With over 135k GitHub stars and 68.17% of programmers naming it one of the most popular frameworks in the 2021 Stack Overflow survey, Flutter appears to be outperforming React Native and is unquestionably a force to be reckoned with.
  • Xamarin: This open-source framework was founded in 2011, making it the oldest on this list, but it didnโ€™t gain traction until it was acquired by Microsoft five years later. It now has a community of over 60 thousand contributors.

What Exactly Is Cross-Platform Application Development?

Cross-platform mobile app development, also known as hybrid mobile app development, is a strategy that allows developers to design a mobile solution compatible with many OS and platforms simultaneously (Android, iOS, and Windows). Developers and firms develop a cross-platform app or outsource our company to save mobile app development costs and time. Please reach out to us with inquiry at [email protected] or call us today.

Cross Platform App Development

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